Still paying your bills by mail each month? You probably have other things to do with your time, like going to your kids' baseball games, spending time with your aging parents or grandparents, volunteering at your community's food bank or simply relaxing with your friends and family.
Online bill paying is nothing new, but a My Shelter account offers more than just a way to pay your premiums online. A My Shelter account is a place where you can schedule payment of your premium, pay your premium, view all your policies, print ID cards, report a claim, view claim status, go paperless and more.
Ask your agent about recurring credit card payments for Monthly as well as Full Pay recurring plan details.
Taking Things Mobile
Once you've registered, you can connect to your My Shelter account on your smartphone or tablet using our mobile app. The mobile app has the same features as a My Shelter account and then some. You can access your ID cards or file a claim through our mobile app—but we hope you never need to.
Are you ready to make the move to My Shelter? All you have to do is get one of your policy numbers (you'll need it to get started) to register.
Mobile Apps
Get ItStep 1: Take your My Shelter account on the go with the My Shelter mobile app. Access ID cards, view your coverages and more.
Go PaperlessStep 2: Reduce the paper pileup in your mailbox with your My Shelter account by adjusting your Mailing Preferences to email.
Personal Review
Schedule ReviewStep 3: Keep your productive streak going – set up an appointment with your Shelter agent to review your coverage.