How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
Knowing how much life insurance you need is the first step in determining the kind to buy, and with the help of our L.I.F.E. Wants Analysis calculator, it's easier than you might think.
To get started, you need to know what your outstanding debts are (mortgage, auto loans, credit cards, student loans, boats, etc.) You will also need to enter your income replacement amount, an estimate for your final expenses and anything you might want to leave for a child's education expenses.
Once you have those numbers, simply enter them in the fields below to determine how much term life insurance or permanent life insurance you might need. The calculator does not save this information, so you'll want to make note of the amounts for your meeting with a Shelter Agent. Next, click on Request a Life Quote, complete the form and an agent will contact you to help you find which of our many life insurance products will suit your needs and budget best.