As a parent, you worry about the safety and the expenses that come with having a teen driver in the house. These articles can help put your mind at ease. We have resources to help you save on car insurance, ideas for keeping your kids safe and information to pass on to your kids about being a new driver.
How to Use 4-Wheel Drive
Learn MoreHas your teen been introduced to 4-wheel drive? Now is a great time to show them. Share this article with them to get started.
Car Care 101
Tips to ShareTeaching your kids about car care is important. It not only keeps the car in good working order, it will also keep them safe while they're driving around town.
Why Aren't Teens Buckling Up?
Find OutInjury and fatality rates for teens who weren't wearing seat belts at the time of a car accident are alarming. Here are the reasons they give for not wearing seat belts, and how you can help convince them otherwise.
Ways to Save on Car Insurance for Your Teen
Find Out HowYour teen is now driving. Besides fearing for their safety out on the road, you might also fear that first insurance bill. Check out some ways to reduce the cost.
An Extra Set of Eyes
See MoreHaving a new teen driver in the house can set your worry level at an all-tie high. Put your mind at ease with apps that can help monitor your teen driver.
Dangers of Distracted Driving
Learn MoreWe all remember what it was like to be a teen – risk taking comes with the territory! Help educate them about the dangers of driving distracted.