Tips for Avoiding the Tricky Dangers of Halloween
Witches, warlocks, ghouls, and goblins aren't real threats on Halloween. But there are some real dangers to consider. Here are a few tips to keep you and your trick-or-treaters enjoying the playful spookiness:
For parents sending out trick-or-treaters:
Leave your porch light on.
This will help light up the neighborhood like a jack-o'-lanternand lets kids know they're welcome to come and get a treat. Likewise, make sure your kids know to only approach houses with their lights on.
Require your older trick-or-treaters to walk in groups.
Safety, as they say, is in numbers. It goes without saying that young children should have adult supervision.
Wear reflective tape on costumes or goody bags.
This will help drivers see your trick-or-treaters.
Urge your kids to stay on the sidewalk and use crosswalks.
Though the sugar-high may be an old wives' tale, candy, costumes and spookiness can be, at the very least, distracting. Drivers may not see kids if they're walking in or crossing the street.
Use make-up instead of masks.
As if there aren't enough distractions on Halloween: masks can actually limit vision, especially peripheral vision.
Wear non-flammable materials.
No one wants to stand too close to a lit pumpkin in a flammable costume. Likewise, jack-o'-lanterns and candles should be kept in places where they're not likely to be knocked over or bumped into.
Inspect treats.
They may cry like werewolves when you ask for their goody bags, but make sure to get a look at what's in their bags before they go at it like wild beasts.
For drivers out on Halloween:
Drive slowly.
Sugar-high or not, kids are likely to be distracted by all the festivities and won't be looking for you. It's even a good idea to honk your horn on dimly lit streets to let kids know you're there.
Be vigilant.
Actively look for kids walking in the middle of the street, crossing the street in the difficult dusk light, and even darting out between cars.