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Looking for an Easy Life Insurance Option?


Tight budgets are common these days, especially for young people. Making ends meet sometimes means cutting important items like life insurance — which can be a bad choice for your loved ones.

Maybe you are a recent grad just getting started in your career. If something happens, you wouldn't want your folks saddled with your personal debt. Or perhaps you just bought a home and need protection for your mortgage. Families celebrating the birth of a new baby should also consider life insurance coverage should something happen to Mom or Dad.

That's why we've created our EZ Term™ Life Insurance policy. It's a great way for young people to purchase $50,000 worth of life insurance coverage for an affordable price. The key is purchasing while you're young. You'll also have the right to convert to a universal life or whole life policy through age 40.

Chances are you qualify for this policy if you:

  • Are between the ages of 15 and 35
  • Do not engage in a hazardous sport or occupation
  • Are in good health
  • Do not use drugs
  • Maintain a good driving record

Many people can purchase this policy for around $150 a year, so talk to us about getting started. You could also qualify for a discount if you have both your auto and life policies through us.

Policy form #ICC17-2 in all of our 14 operating states.

The product information contained on this website is informational only and not a statement of contract. All coverage options are subject to the provisions of the policy purchased and details of the policyholder's situation.
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