Distracted Walking

Nearly everyone has heard of distracted driving and while that is a top concern, there’s a less talked about issue that is growing at a much deadlier rate: distracted walking.
What is distracted walking and why is it a growing issue?
Distracted walking occurs when someone travels somewhere on foot without paying attention to their surroundings. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), “7,508 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in 2022.” If that number alone doesn’t cause you to sit up and take notice, then the following statistic will: “Pedestrian deaths rose 77% between 2010 and 2021, compared to a 25% rise in all other traffic fatalities.” – GHSA
How is this happening?
These activities are the leading causes of distracted walking:
- Texting
- Reading
- Listening to music
- Talking on the phone
- Multitasking
- Conversation with another walker
Some perceive distracted walking as clumsy and humorous, but the number of deaths and/or injured victims paints a different picture. According to the respondents of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Distracted Walking Study in 2015, the percentage of people who believe they are part of the problem is very low. Only 29% admit they have an issue. For those who admit to being distracted, 48% of respondents say, “they just don’t think about it,” 28% feel “they can walk and do other things,” and 22% “are busy and want to use their time productively.” It's obvious the issue is larger than perceived and any one of us may be part of the problem.
Stay safe with these tips:
- Turn your volume down.
- Wait until you’re out of traffic to make phone calls, text or do any other activity that distracts you.
- Don’t jaywalk.
- Look up, not down.
- Wear reflective clothing at night or use a light to help you see your surroundings and help vehicles to see you.
- Stay alert in parking areas and be aware that new vehicles are quiet and can sneak up on a pedestrian with little to no notice.
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Distracted Driving
See CausesDistracted walking and distracted driving are a deadly combination, and neither are just about cell phones.
Awake at the Wheel
See RisksBeing distracted isn’t the only issue. Drowsy driving accounts for a staggering number of auto tragedies.
Avoid the 3Ds
See FactsRisky driving habits include the three Ds: drowsy, distracted and…can you guess it? Drunk. Just don’t do it.