More States Using Harvest Apps
A good hunter not only holds a great deal of respect for the land and wildlife but also takes pride in following their state's conservation regulations. They also understand the importance of permitting.
For some hunters, the harvesting may come easy but following up with the check-in of the animal may seem unnecessary. However, in order for the state to assist and maintain balance within the natural ecosystem, they need to know details of the animals harvested within a specific area so they can make necessary land management adjustments. In hopes of getting hunters to properly participate in the state's land management programs, several states are making permitting and harvest check-ins easier. In fact, the following states have even created smartphone apps:
App Name: MO Hunting
App Name: TWRA On The Go
App Name: My Texas Hunt Harvest
With these apps hunters may buy their permits, see past years' harvests and check in or "tag" newly harvested animals. Some even allow the hunter to see the sunrise and sunset times based on their location, display a full list of the seasons for their state, season opening and closing dates, and regulations for that season.
Hopefully more states will adopt the app but there are still a number of states that accept online check-in and most states provide a Telecheck option. See the states and links below for online and Telecheck information.
Illinois –
Indiana –
Iowa –
Kansas –
Kentucky –
Louisiana –
Nebraska –
Ohio –
Oklahoma –
If you have never hunted before and are interested in learning more you can contact your state's wildlife and conservation departments for more state specific training, licenses, permits and procedures.
We focused on the states Shelter does business in for this article and map, but we know people enjoy traveling too. If you know of a state not listed here with a mobile check-in app, we'd love to add it to our list. Email us at
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