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Boat Safety Training Can Help You Avoid Becoming a Statistic


Summer is here, and a lot of people are out on their boats. According to a report from the U.S. Coast Guard:

In 2018, there were 4,145 boating accidents that involved 633 deaths, 2,511 injuries and approximately $46 million of property damage.

  • 77% of all fatal boating accident victims drowned, and of those, almost 84% were not wearing a life jacket.
  • 74% of these deaths occurred on boats where the operator did not receive boating safety instruction.
  • Operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, machinery failure and alcohol use rank as the top five primary contributing factors in accidents.

Given this information, it's smart to know and abide by the rules of safe boating before you head out on the open water.

The Right Stuff
Before the boat leaves the dock, make sure it is equipped with these items in case of emergency:

  • Enough life jackets or personal floatation devices for everyone on board
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Visual distress signals
  • Bell or whistle
  • Anchor
  • Bucket or pump
  • Oars
  • VHF radio or a way to communicate with the marina
  • Tool kit
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra fuel
  • Extra water

Safety Courses
When you buy your boat, find out what your state's boating safety and licensing requirements are as they can vary from state to state. Most states offer boat safety courses, many of which are free and can be taken online for your convenience. It's a good investment of your time, and may even earn you a discount on your boat insurance.

Check the Weather
Nothing can ruin a day on the water like an unexpected storm. When you plan your outing, make sure you check the weather forecast first to see if storms are predicted. You don't want to find yourself scrambling to get back to shore to avoid rough waters or lightning strikes.

If you forgot to check the weather and see clouds forming or hear thunder in the distance, head for the nearest place to dock your boat and take shelter. If your boat has a cabin, tell passengers to move to the cabin for their own safety.

Rules of the Water
Boat supply stores have a copy of the boating "Rules of the Road." Be sure to pick one up, read it and know the rules before you leave the marina. Here are some very basic safety rules to follow:

  • Have at least one other passenger on board who knows how to operate your boat
  • Always be on the lookout for other boats, people or debris in all directions, even behind you
  • Boat at a safe speed
  • Avoid reckless maneuvers
  • Don't drink alcohol while operating your boat

Although these are suggestions to avoid causing a boating accident, it’s not an all-inclusive list or a substitute for boat safety training. In many boating situations, a little common sense will take you a long way.