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Boat Insurance Covers More than Just Your Boat


Boat season has arrived. Don't sweat your suntan lotion off worrying about a water mishap. That's where we come in.

Our boat policy coverage spans a range of possible losses while you're out on the lake or river this summer:

Liability Coverage
If the skier you're pulling gets injured or you damage somebody's dock, you could be held liable for it. With our boatowners policy, we'll pay your legal liability for covered bodily injury and property damage up to the liability limits you purchase. And if you have to trade in your swimsuit for a business suit, we'll defend you in any lawsuit seeking damages under the terms of your policy.

Medical Payment Coverage
You or someone you've given permission to is driving your boat. There's an accident and someone is injured. What happens next?

If you are legally liable, the policy will pay all reasonable medical expenses that you or your passengers who are hurt in the accident may incur within three years from the date of the accident, up to your purchased policy limits. Possible medical services might include a trip in an ambulance, a hospital stay, medical care, or funeral services.

Physical Damage Coverage
You won't lose your shirt or your boat when you purchase additional physical damage coverage available. After all, your boat is a substantial investment. Why let it sink?

With our physical damage coverage, we'll help you pay for accidental loss or physical damage to your boat, boating equipment, and other personal property that you list in your policy. Though some types of damages are excluded, purchased physical damage coverage for your boat policy could include: repair or replacement costs, reasonable repairs, and wreck removal.

For more information regarding our boat policy contact your local Shelter agent.

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