Inventory your belongings and estimate their value with our personal property calculator. Lists of common items are in categories to jog your memory. You can also use the "Add Item" button to add as many items as you need.
Description Field
Use it for customization. By collapsing each category, you can estimate its value in one easy step. The calculator is completely customizable, and you can enter as much or as little information as you want.
Value Field
Enter the current market value of an item or the amount of money it would cost to replace the item. To insure your covered items at the higher replacement value, you will need to add expanded restoration cost coverage to your policy.
When you've finished your inventory, click "Print" in the upper right-hand corner to print and save a copy for your personal records.
This calculator is provided to help you get started. Your estimate of value will not be used to settle a claim and some items may be excluded from coverage. All coverages are subject to the provisions of the policy purchased and details of the policyholder's situation.