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Immediate Steps

If you are a Shelter customer and have damage from a recent storm, here are a few immediate steps to take: 

  1. Take photos of damaged items right where you find them.
  2. Put up a temporary sign indicating your street address if all markers noting your address have been swept away by the storm. This will assist claims adjusters as they handle your claim.
  3. Take preventative measures to avoid additional damage by making necessary repairs.
  4. Track all expenses related to your claim. Keep all receipts for repairs or living expenses if you are forced to leave your home due to a storm.
Reporting your claim as soon as possible will help us schedule adjusters to assist you.

File your claim, or call 1-800-SHELTER (1-800-743-5837). Your agent can also help you report your claim.

Once you've filed your claim, you can contact your local claims branch at any time to assist you.