Information About Voting Your Proxy
Every named insured on a Shelter Mutual Insurance Company policy is a member of the company. That's a unique feature of a mutual insurance company. We don’t have stockholders, we have members.
Every member is entitled to vote either in person or by proxy at all meetings of Shelter Mutual Insurance Company. On the first Wednesday in April of each year, there is an Annual Meeting of Shelter Mutual Insurance Company. If you attend the meeting, you are entitled to vote.
If you do not plan to attend the Annual Meeting, you are encouraged to allow members of the Board of Directors to vote on your behalf, by granting your proxy through the form we sent you. Every member has only one vote, no matter how many policies held by the person.
There are a few things that are voted on at every Annual Meeting. You can see a copy of this year's agenda here: 2024 Annual Meeting Agenda. At the next Annual Meeting, three Directors will be elected to the Board of Directors. Your proxy would allow the proxy holders to cast a vote for those Directors, and to vote on other matters that properly come before the Meeting.
If you decide to attend an Annual Meeting, please contact David VanDyke at (573) 214-6443 or